Wednesday 6 June 2012

my blooggggggggg

What to write in my blog?

There are times when you feel your mind go blank and you wonder what to write in your blog?
If this is your case, don’t worry, it’s something that usually happens to bloggers. The following tips will help you to know what to write in your blog, when you feel your inspiration is gone.
•    Use your context. There are many experiences that you can capture and share in your articles. Things that you find interesting and which you think that add value to people.
•    Put yourself in the place of your readers, this is another simple way to find a topic to write about. Thinking about what they need will help you generate content easily and this generates value.
•    Take an index of the articles that you post on your blog and link them, in other words, make them a story that will allow you extend each of the chapters.
•    Use a structure in your articles and document it in your collaboration guide. This will help you clear your mind without leaving anything important behind. This is similar to the usual questions: what, why, how, when, where.
•    Pay attention to details that are very valuable, though few people do it. If you have the issue but you don´t know how to explain it all, what you have to do is document the details.
•    For several reasons people don’t read much, so it’s better to write short texts. If the topic is very large, split it into parts or sections and publish them in different times.
•    Finally, when you wonder what to write in my blog? Keep in mind that it’s important that you address  a topic you’re passionate about. Of course, you should generate content that add value.